Home School Vs State School

Specific Differences in the Educational Outcomes of Those Students who are Home Schooled Vs. Students in a Traditional School Setting

This report (by Kathi Moreau, 2012) examines home education in the United States. It describes the families who are most likely to choose home schooling* as an educational option and the level of success that these families experience as a result of this choice.

Through an analysis of research, this paper explores the causes of the current trend in popularity. Moreau outlines differences between children who are home schooled versus those who are schooled in the public setting. She says that the level of success for home schoolers is a good argument for this approach to education:

“Through numerous research studies, this paper will address other commonly referred to topics regarding home schooling, such as socialization and parental educational levels. Each of these topics are often arguments against home schooling, but research indicates that home schooling is a very viable form of education.”

Kathi Moreau

You can read the full report here.

*Home schooling in the US refers to both home schooling and unschooling. Find out more about the home education approach and terminology here.