
Lainie Liberti, founder of the website, defines worldschooling as:

“The intentional act of viewing the world as one’s classroom.”

Similar to home education, some families will hit the road with school books in tow, or sign up to classes through online schools, while others will take an unschooling approach, preferring to learn through life.

Lainie and her son, Miro Siegel have been worldschooling for over 12 years. You can watch the TED Talk below where they talk about how their family learns through travel and experience, without any traditional classrooms or curricula.

You can hear more about worldschooling and their adventures in this podcast.

Meet Hannah, a third-generation worldschooler. Her childhood on the road took her across six continents from the age of 11-19. Having just completed a Bachelors of Honours in Geography at Queen’s University, Canada, she’s now traveling on her own to Bali, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Scotland, and beyond. This is her tongue in cheek article about how worldschooling ruined her childhood:

Worldschooling Community

If travelling alone doesn’t appeal, there are a number of initiatives which aim to bring worldschooling families together: – Inspiring temporary learning communities for teens and young adults. – Temporary community hubs which gather in the spirit of community and co-create valuable learning experiences. – A family-run travel company committed to helping you broaden your global experiences through concentrated and immersive exposures to the world’s cultures by way of coaching and group trips. – Provides opportunities for families on extended travel to come together as a community in Guatemala, to create powerful experiences. Together we build knowledge, skills, friendships, and especially memories, that give families a sense of place in the world. – Inclusive community in Mexico which values the gifts of intentional living, cultural exchange, exploration and adventure. “Worldschoolers from around the globe will find Anahata to be the home away from home they’ve been looking for.” – This hub in Spain brings together diverse but likeminded families to make friends and build relationships between worldschoolers. – Creating learning opportunities around the globe. Starting in 2022 in Ecuador. – Combining the principles of forest schools, democratic schools, self-directed education and respectful parenting to create a new type of learning community for traveling families. – “By living and learning in four different countries each year, you’ll connect your education to your environment in ways you never thought possible.”

Books About Worldschooling

World Schooling: How to Revolutionize Your Child’s Education Through Family Travel, by Ashley Dymock de Tello

Worldschooling Events – You will find options, inspiration and answers to your questions surrounding world travel, education, family health & wellness and logistics during the Virtual Worldschooling Summit.

Worldschooling Facebook Groups

Progressive Education Group – Our supportive forum discussing progressive approaches to education (including worldschooling) and why they are so important in the 21st century.


We Are Worldschoolers

Worldschooling 🌏 Traveling ✈️ Digital Nomad 💻 Trailblazing 🥾 Families 👪

World School House Swap / Sit / Rent

Alternative Schools Around the World – From world-schooling pop-ups, to semester long schools, this is a place where worldschooling/travelling families can learn about schools around the world.

Worldschooling Facebook Pages

Worldschool Now

Go Worldschool

Worldschooler Connect


Worldschoolers Community

Worldschooling Websites