Tag: Homeschooling

Jul 01
Parenting Unscripted – The Art of Raising a Self-Directed Kid, by Jeneen Gacek

Life fills us with questions. Each new stage of growing and development changes our thinking from one level to another. Like a character in a video game, we pass one stage, fighting off goblins and bosses and eating energy balls to power up until we feel like a champion, and then we find ourselves diving […]

Jun 07
Open Letter to Welsh Government Challenging New Elective Home Education Guidance

This letter has been written by Rose Arnold of Suitable Education, at the request of and input from Welsh home educators, following the publication of the Welsh Government’s concerning elective home education guidance in May 2023:                                                                                                                         31st May 2023 Re: Welsh Elective Home Education Guidance May 2023 (288/2023) Parents and carers – not local […]

Nov 26
Let’s Journey the Wilderness Together, by Dr Jo Sweetland

Watching our oldest child’s interest in learning slowly disappear and their curiosity and creativity dwindle became the motivator to us choosing to take all three of our kids out of the state system. It was not that their school was bad, or that the teachers were poor, or that the leadership team were without vision […]

Oct 26
Journal of Pedagogy: Home-Based Education

Volume 12 (2021): Issue 1 (June 2021), Special Issue: Home-Based Education Volume 12 of the Journal of Pedagogy ran a special on home education. It includes articles on: Invisible pedagogies in home education: Freedom, power and control The experience of adults who were “unschooled” during their youth: A phenomenological approach Should educators promote homeschooling? Worldwide […]

Oct 13
Learning: Lost and Found, by Patrick Farenga

Learning that’s lost in school can be found in many ways, if it needs to be found at all. As a homeschooler and author, I field many questions about the lost educational and social opportunities children face by being out of school, but the COVID-19 pandemic has made the issue of lost learning a deep […]

Apr 28
Portsmouth Home Educators’ Legal Action is Important for All Families, by Randall Hardy

Following the establishment of a state-controlled education system in England and Wales through the Education Act 1902, most people in Britain have become used to the belief that education is the responsibility of the government. That, however, is far from the truth. The Act’s provisions on Elementary Education (s.9) charged the new Boards of Education […]

Feb 09
Let’s change our minds about lockdown learning, and give kids a break, by Naomi Fisher

Naomi Fisher is a clinical psychologist and author.  Her book ‘Changing Our Minds; How Children Can Take Control of Their Own Learning’ is out now, published by Little, Brown. This time a year ago, we’d never have guessed how many people would have spent this year homeschooling.  School seemed as much part of life as […]

Jan 28
Right to Education and the French Authoritarian Context

Three European organisations advocating human rights and freedom in education – ALLI asbl (Luxemboug), Les Enfants d’Abord (France), and Full Human Rights-Experience Education – as well as independent philosopher, Bertrand Stern, have come together to write a letter to the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe. They are concerned […]

Jan 08
Home Education Trends, Preliminary Report

By Wendy Charles-Warner, EducationOtherwise.org December 2020 This report examines trends in numbers of home educating families in England. The data was obtained by sending freedom of information requests to each of the 151 local authorities in England. It also shares results from surveys undertaken across a mix of home education groups to ascertain the main […]

Jan 07
Home-Education: Aims, Practices and Outcomes

By Paula Rothermel, University of Durham, 2002 Abstract This research explores the aims and practices of home-educating families from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. The methodology involves a questionnaire survey completed by 419 home-educating families and 196 assessments evaluating the psychosocial and academic development of home-educated children aged eleven years and under. The aim was to gain […]

Dec 17
Misuse of Key Terms by Children’s Commissioner and Local Government Association in context of Education Select Committee Hearing on Home Education

Open letter to the Education Select Committee The following letter was sent on 17 December 2020 to the Chair of the Education Select Committee Mr Robert Halfon MP, to the Clerk, to the Children’s Commissioner and to the Local Government Association and signed by the parties below. Misuse of key terms by Children’s Commissioner and […]

Dec 16
If it works don’t fix it. Leave Home Education alone as it works. Sort out the problems in schools, by Ian Cunningham

There is no need for a change in current arrangements for home education. The law on the ‘otherwise’ criterion is clear on the right to an education that is not in school. Below is some evidence for the need for schools to change, based on the book ‘Self Managed Learning and the New Educational Paradigm’ […]

Dec 06
The gifts that home-schooling parents give their children, by Joe Atkinson

I’ve worked with families that home-school for a variety of reasons.  Some enforced and some consciously.  Like many things on the edges of a society it is a place that is so often misunderstood, but a place where you can learn so much from the community and I am glad that I found this community […]

Nov 30
Reaching out: when learning doesn’t look like school, by Rachel Evans

Recently there have been renewed concerns from the media and policy makers about home educated children who are not formally taught, and who may be classed as Children Missing Education. This blog is intended to speak directly to anyone with concerns. Children are hard wired to learn from the moment they are born. There is […]

Nov 25
Going, going, gone. What the sudden rise in home education does (and doesn’t) tell us about the school system, by Anna Dusseau

Recruitment, retention, results. This was what I gathered from my first meeting on the Sixth Form Management Team (SMT), back in the early teens of last decade. We called it the ‘3 Rs’ and it formed the basis of decision-making within our Sixth Form, an ambitious offshoot of the competitive inner-London academy I was employed […]

Nov 17
The Case for Un-Learning, by Ross Mountney

You maybe don’t realise but in order to home educate successfully parents have some serious un-learning to do! Un-learning? That’s a bit contrary for an education blog isn’t it? How is that going to help with home schooling when there’s so much new stuff to understand? And that’s the whole point; there’s a lot of […]

Oct 21
Learning from the COVID-19 home-schooling experience: Listening to pupils, parents/carers and teachers

A report by Mari-Ana Jones (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and Sara Bubb (University College London Institute of Education): “In Spring 2020, schools in many countries had to close in response to the COVID-19 virus pandemic and move to remote teaching. This paper explores the views of pupils, parents/carers and teachers of ‘home-school’ in […]

Aug 31
20 Things I Learned About Homeschooling

Thinking about homeschooling your child? These 20 insights from Hand in Hand Parenting Instructor Lara Zane shed light on making the decision and what it takes to get a good start. When my son was nearly six, we pulled him out of the small, friendly local school where he’d been for the past two years, […]