Tag: Education reform

Oct 11
Your Invitation to Our Free Online Event

From 18-25th November 2024, in collaboration with Limitless, we are holding the INSPIRE Education Summit to envisage (and help create!) a new paradigm of education. We’d love you to join us! This event is to celebrate the launch of our new membership platform for start-up schools and learning communities, the details of which will be […]

Sep 24
Rethinking Education: Launch of Podcast Season 2, by James Mannion

[A link to the audio version of this article is found at the end.] If you follow the mainstream education debate as avidly as I do, and really here I’m talking about the debate as it plays out largely on the internet – social media and blogs, predominantly, as well as at conferences and in […]

Jan 21
Whatever Happened to Alternative Education? By Freya Aquarone

[This article was originally published by Radix whose vision is a sustainable society where all citizens can live securely with dignity, are active participants in society and are free to pursue their own interpretation of the good life.] Over the past half century, despite many changes of government, and many impassioned pleas for alternative visions, […]

May 12
Coronavirus shows us it’s time to rethink everything. Let’s start with education.

Guardian columnist, George Monbiot says that now is the time for a Great Reset. “I believe that education should work outwards from our principal challenges and aims. This doesn’t mean we should forget Shakespeare, or the other wonders of art and culture, but that the matters crucial to our continued survival are given the weight […]